Tuesday, April 27, 2010

An epic return...

I haven't posted anything in such a long time...

In my life everything is fine - I am just overwhelmed with stress... a constant state of stress...

... and allergies; a constant state of allergies...

Maybe I will have better musing tomorrow, but for now I am too miserable to even write about how miserable I am.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A ridiculously insignificant entry.

Today is a day for catching up on homework…

Three classes and marching band – I’ll have two hours from noon to 2:00 in which I will study in the library and maybe get some lunch.

Then, marching band – we are doing a country show which should blow balls.

Tonight will be more homework and catching up on sleep…

My life is incredibly boring.


Monday, September 14, 2009

My birthday weekend, band and roses.

My birthday came and went this weekend.

On Saturday morning my love made me pancakes (with a “different” recipe) had marching rehearsal, and we left an hour later than expected (due to poor timing of the bus driver) to our first destination of Defiance, Ohio for the “band spectacular”.

I stayed with people I didn’t know in an unknown place on my birthday – after spending the evening marching.

I woke up (along with my partner Annie) the next morning at 5:30 and we departed the school at 6am for another trip to Cincinnati to play at the Bengals vs. Broncos game.

When I arrived home – my lovely soul mate greeted me with a red rose and took me back to my apartment where there were several bunches of yellow roses everywhere, rose pedals all over the floor, candles, and a cake.

Perhaps that was the most amazing experience of my existence… I prefer experiences over material items.

It was absolutely beautiful – and afterwards he took me for dinner at Applebees (while I missed my SAI meeting on accident…) and we relaxed the rest of the evening…

I couldn’t have asked for a better recovery for my not so perfect birthday on Saturday…

On a side note, I think I am getting sick – which is absolutely horrible.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A note on effort justification.

Since I have rejoined the Marching 110 – I don’t feel as much pride, not the same kind of mysticism there was when I first became a member.

One explanation is that I know the secrets and there is truly no mystery anymore. I now know that there are only a handful of individuals in the Marching 110 who are musicians.

Another is that this year it has been much more lax than other years. Particularly because the freshman were not yelled at during their camp like in the years before. They were given constructive criticism – no there is nothing wrong with this idea, it is just that after being yelled at, humiliated, degraded, and feeling worthless… I felt more a part of the group than ever. That emotional and physical beating I took gave me pride in what I’ve become a part of.

We are much more lax – I can try to be more serious, but there is only so much I can do.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Game Day.

I haven’t written anything in a bit.

Basically – this week has been a living hell. I hurt from head to toe…

The first performance is today and I am so incredibly nervous. Particularly because I do not want my hat to fall off… I tried fixing it with newspaper and medical tape and we’ll see how that goes. Hopefully the braid will help keep it in as well.

I’m anxious to perform tonight… I want to have that feeling again; the feeling of performing in front of a crowd. Sweat dripping down my face as I stand as still as stone looking out over the cheering faces

I still have ironing to do – maybe more whitening on my hat… etc.

Maybe my roommate can drive me to Peden stadium this morning…

This blog is slightly hard to figure out… I’m trying to navigate it to find people I know and to search for groups.

I am tired, I want to see my love, and I want to know what he’s doing for my early birthday tomorrow…


Monday, August 31, 2009

First day of rehearsals - only six more days until the free day.

After ridiculous auditions yesterday, I found out last night that I made both blocks of the Marching 110.

It is exciting, but I am nervous… very nervous. It’s just, a lot to do. This week is absolutely hectic… there’s no way around that.

I also wonder if it’s worth it – I woke up this morning not being able to physically move without wanting to cry. It’s a pain I never knew I could get from marching band… the feeling you’ve been hit by a truck.

I hurt from my calves, the arches of my feet, all the muscles in my thighs, my abs, my back, my shoulders and my arms.

Oh, and my lips are a little shot as well.

It’s too cold in my room – no wonder I freaking hurt this morning. That’s what I get for leaving the windows open.

I can’t believe a lot of people went out last night to drink after the posting of the block – don’t they realize we have 6 hours of field rehearsal starting at 9am and another 2 hours of indoor?

Anywho – I still have a lot of stuff to unpack in the apartment, I will post more later.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

First day of training camp and auditions - god help me.

Today… I re-audition for the marching 110.

I’m so nervous and excited and scared and determined all at the same time.

Truly, I feel like I’m going to vomit.

And… I’m… so tired I’m going to throw up again.

I will post more information when I find out what happens – wish me luck.
